Buenas Tardes: Expressions that Everyone

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Spanish is one the most spoken languages in the world. Castilian, the Spanish version of Castilian, charms tourists and expats just as much as its buenas tardes narrow streets and delicious tapas. Are you thinking of going to Spain? These Spanish expressions will make it easier to meet new people and fit in.

What is the best Buenas Tardes way to say it? 

  1. Que guay

What does it signify and how can it be used? It can be described as cool, awesome, or great. This adjective is used by young people Buenas Tardes to respond to the stories of their friends with a chorus: “Que guay!” (“How cool!”)

  1. Vale

What is the best way to say it “Bale” is a V that becomes a B?

What does it signify and how is it used. It is a common part of the Spanish vocabulary. It is derived from the verb valer, which means to be worth, such as?cuanto vale. It means “How much?” But it means much more. It is used to confirm or agree with someone’s statements. (“We’re meeting at 11am tomorrow vale?” Or “Call me later for that.” Vale, Vale, I’ll contact you. It’s quite common to see people use the phrase twice in response (vale, vale), which is very charming! Hombre

3. Ombre

What does it signify and how can it be used? It literally means “man” and can be used to affirm or reinforce what you are saying. It is often used to signify no, yes/ofcourse, or to greet, or to plead. You’ll hear:

  • No – “Do you like your boss?” Que va, hombre, para nada. (No, no way.
  • Yes/Of course – !Claro que si, hombre! (Of course, or definitely)
  • Greeting – !Hombre! Como estas? (Hey man! (Hey man!
  • Pleading – !Vamos, hombre, por favor! (Aww, man, please.
  • This is a bonus because English “man”, can be used in much of the same way as English “man”.
  1. Tio/Tia
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What does it signify and how can it be used? These words literally mean “uncle” and “aunt”, but they can also be used to refer to someone informally. The same as English speakers using “dude”, or “guy”, (“Look at those men over there!” “Who said that?” “I’m not sure, just some dude”) Spaniards use the tio and tia. These words can be used to call attention to a friend as well, such as “Tio/tia come here!”

  1. Como vas?

What does it mean? Spaniards are friendly and open to new conversations. They also have a variety of ways to ask the question “How are you?” These greetings can be used casually throughout the day, whether it’s when you meet friends or with colleagues, or chatting with a clerk in a store. It’s great to get to know them. Many people will quickly learn “Que tal?” Our fifth expression,? is another one to add to your small-talk toolbox. It literally means “How are you going?”

  1. Puente

What is puente and how can it be used? The three-day weekend is a Spanish stereotype and employee favorite. These “bridges”, often due to the feast day of a saint, are the best Mondays or Fridays in the year!

  1. Como vas Buenas Tardes

How do you pronounce it? “Como bas” (Same here, the V is pronounced like a B). What does it mean? Spaniards are friendly and open to new conversations. They also have a variety of ways to ask the question “How are you?” These greetings can be used casually throughout the day, in small talk such as buenas tardes, when meeting new friends, or chatting with clerks at the store. Many people will quickly learn “Que tal?” Our fifth expression,?Que tal?, is another one to add to your small-talk toolbox. It literally means “How are you going?”

  1. Puente
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What is puente and how can it be used? The three-day weekend is a Spanish stereotype and employee favorite. These “bridges”, often due to the feast day of a saint, are the best Mondays or Fridays in the year! Test your English in minutes buenas tardes

  1. Guiri

It is important to understand what it means and how it is used. Anyone buenas tardes who wants to blend in Spain has done extensive research on how to avoid looking like a guiri. Guiris (pronounced “giri”) are foreigners who come from English-speaking countries, central or northern Europe. You will be called a guiri by the Spanish if you are not Spanish and eat dinner early or go out for drinks too late.

  1. Buenas

What is the best way to say it? What does “Buenas” mean? Your sunny Spanish morning will begin with a cheery Buenos dias. Then, you can continue on with buenas teores in the evening. Finally, it’s time for goodnight or goodbye with buenas teores noches. You can also stick with the simple and sweet “Buenas!” greeting to say hello any time of day. In return, you’ll get a chipper “Buenas!” and can buenas tardes focus on more important matters like how many tortillas and patatas bravas you are going to order for lunch.

  1. Venga ya

It is a Spanish expression that means “Venga ya!”. !Venga ya! Or, sometimes simply “Venga!” It is used by buenas tardes to express surprise or disbelief. It is used to express shock, just like English words “no way”, “come on!” and “come off!” For example, you might learn that your friend ordered 15 tortillas with ten patatasbravas plates and then go ahead to eat them all.

  1. Pasta
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What does it signify and how can it be used? Money, money, money. Or, pasta, pasta, pasta if you’re in Spain. It’s true, pasta in Spain is more than just a call to the Italians across he sea. It doesn’t matter if you have coins, notes or buenas tardes card, Euros or pesetas, it all boils down to pasta for the Spanish.